In a forgotten land in a forgotten time, a small unit of bots are all that remains.
Protecting what's left from the hordes of Tech-mutants.

Game Info

  • Place soldiers so they can defend your Mech until it's ready.
  • Upgrade and repair your Mech so it can take on the enemy boss.
  • The enemy soldiers will attack anything in their way, so don't place soldiers in their path.
  • Made for 1280x720  resolution.
  • Html version will stutter a bit in the beginning until particles has loaded.


  • Drag defender bots from the bottom image to the screen with the mouse, and drop them. They will activate and be attack ready automatically.
  • Destroy enemies to collect spare parts.
  • Press the "Upgrade Mech" button to add parts to the mech.


Evolution stopped us from putting sentient, and human based AI in machine bodies.
That did not stop us from trying though. Curiosity and stubbornness are human traits after all.
Our solution, being as simple as our intellect at the time. Was to combine our limited knowledge about gene manipulation, with our best guesses about how computer models actually works.
As usual, no one thought of what that actually meant.
The Biological tech beings and abominations that came out of those experiments, no one could had been prepared for.

Once they started do be "produced", nothing could stop them, or the infestation that followed. "Mechtants" we called them.

That was centuries ago, and many light-years from where we are now. But how we ended up here is a completely different story.

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